RWS - Bureau d'études

Engineering Department



Engineering Department

Detailed and execution design are carried out by our engineering and design department.

- Hydraulic surveys and associated transient phenomena.
- Electrical and automation facility surveys.
- Treatment process.
- Pumping surveys.
- Civil engineering and foundation surveys.
- Use of CAD software and creation of 3D plans.

From design to construction

Razel Water Solutions pursues a policy of innovation focused on market expectations and optimizing the solutions it offers its customers, whether in terms of design methods or construction techniques.


In practice

3D models play a major role in the transition to more industrial construction methods. Its modeling tools facilitate collaborative work between all parties involved (architect, design office, general contractor, subcontractors) at all stages of design and construction. Razel Water Solutions uses it on a growing number of projects.

Fayat Innovation Challenge

At Group level, the Fayat Innovation Challenge is an example of the Group's commitment to innovation. The aim is to encourage the emergence of innovative projects, identify new creative talents and promote internal mobility. At least one innovation ambassador has been appointed in each of the seven divisions, creating a community of 14 people.

Fayat innovation challenge logo